System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
specialpages-group-sd_group (Talk) | Semantic Drilldown |
specialpages-group-sf_group (Talk) | Semantic Forms |
specialpages-group-smw_group (Talk) | Semantic MediaWiki |
specialpages-group-spam (Talk) | Spam tools |
specialpages-group-users (Talk) | Users and rights |
specialpages-group-wiki (Talk) | Wiki data and tools |
specialpages-note (Talk) | ---- * Normal special pages. * <strong class="mw-specialpagerestricted">Restricted special pages.</strong> |
specialpages-summary (Talk) | |
srf-desc (Talk) | Additional formats for Semantic MediaWiki inline queries |
srf-name (Talk) | Semantic Result Formats |
srf_bibtex_link (Talk) | BibTeX |
srf_icalendar_link (Talk) | iCalendar |
srf_outline_novalue (Talk) | No value |
srf_paramdesc_autocaptions (Talk) | Use file name as caption when none is provided |
srf_paramdesc_barcolor (Talk) | The color of the bars |
srf_paramdesc_bardirection (Talk) | The direction of the bar chart |
srf_paramdesc_barnumbersaxislabel (Talk) | The label for the numbers axis |
srf_paramdesc_calendarlang (Talk) | The code for the language in which to display the calendar |
srf_paramdesc_chartheight (Talk) | The height of the chart, in pixels |
srf_paramdesc_charttitle (Talk) | The title of the chart |
srf_paramdesc_chartwidth (Talk) | The width of the chart, in pixels |
srf_paramdesc_facets (Talk) | The set of properties to be displayed for each page |
srf_paramdesc_heights (Talk) | The height of the images |
srf_paramdesc_icalendardescription (Talk) | The description of the calendar file |
srf_paramdesc_icalendartitle (Talk) | The title of the calendar file |
srf_paramdesc_includesubject (Talk) | If the names of the subjects themselves should be included |
srf_paramdesc_increase (Talk) | How to increase the size of tags |
srf_paramdesc_lens (Talk) | The name of a template with which to display page properties |
srf_paramdesc_limit (Talk) | The maximum number of pages to query |
srf_paramdesc_maxsize (Talk) | The size of the biggest tags in percent (default: 177) |
srf_paramdesc_maxtags (Talk) | The maximum amount of tags in the cloud |
srf_paramdesc_mincount (Talk) | The minimum amount of times a value needs to occur to be listed |
srf_paramdesc_minsize (Talk) | The size of the smallest tags in percent (default: 77) |
srf_paramdesc_outlineproperties (Talk) | The list of properties to be displayed as outline headers, separated by commas |
srf_paramdesc_perrow (Talk) | The amount of images per row |
srf_paramdesc_tagorder (Talk) | The order of the tags |
srf_paramdesc_timelinebands (Talk) | Defines which bands are displayed in the result. |
srf_paramdesc_timelineend (Talk) | A property name used to define a second time point |
srf_paramdesc_timelineposition (Talk) | Defines where the timeline initially focuses at. |
srf_paramdesc_timelinesize (Talk) | The height of the timeline (default is 300px) |
srf_paramdesc_timelinestart (Talk) | A property name used to define a first time point |
srf_paramdesc_views (Talk) | The views to be displayed |
srf_paramdesc_widths (Talk) | The width of the images |
srf_printername_average (Talk) | Average of numbers |
srf_printername_bibtex (Talk) | BibTeX export |
srf_printername_calendar (Talk) | Monthly calendar |
srf_printername_eventline (Talk) | Eventline |
srf_printername_gallery (Talk) | Gallery |
srf_printername_googlebar (Talk) | Google bar chart |
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