19.2. Administration of the stats module by the OTRS administrator

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This section provides information about the tasks and responsibilities of the OTRS administrator dealing with the statistics module.

Permission settings, Groups and Queues

No new queues and/or groups are created when the stats module is installed.

The default configuration of the module registration gives all agents with "stats" group permissions access to the stats module.

Access according to permission settings:

Allows configuring statistics and reports.
Permits generating pre-configured statistics and reports.

The OTRS administrator decides whether agents with the permission to generate pre-configured reports are allocated ro rights in the "stats" group, or if their respective groups are added in the module registration in SysConfig.


The SysConfig groups Framework:Core::Stats, Framework:Core::Stats::Graph, and Framework:Frontend::Agent::Stats contain all configuration parameters for the basic set-up of the statistics module. Moreover, the configuration parameter $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentStats'} controls the arrangement and registration of the modules and icons within the statistics module.

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